CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 15, 2024

‘Stranger Things: The First Shadow’: Thrilling And Immersive Theater

Observer: Fans will be forgiven if they were skeptical of Netflix bringing the world of hit series Stranger Things into a London theater. How could the TV show, which relies heavily on fantastical and often horrific imagery, be translated as a play? But in the hands of director Stephen Daldry Stranger Things: The First Shadow is thrilling and immersive, impressively showcasing practical effects that feel unsettlingly realistic.


Aster said...

I’ve honestly been avoiding reading anything about the new Stranger Things show. It feels like a money grab. Also I am of the opinion that every story has its ideal medium. Stranger Things was made for TV and it works great on TV. While I’m sure the new show is great I feel like it’ll be bad just because the original stranger things world isn’t fundamentally designed for the stage. That’s why I’m also hesitant about the Back to the Future show. While I’m sure it's good, I don’t think it’s great because the story isn’t designed for the stage. I wish that Broadway was willing to take more risks on stories written for the stage instead of big buck shows. Despite my hesitation, I’m still really excited to hear more about the new Stranger Things show. The article didn’t go super in depth into the show as not many people have seen it yet. However they did mention that the special effects were really cool and I’m a sucker for cool special effects so I’m really excited.

Karter LaBarre said...

I am so glad to hear that the stranger things were actually good! It is a really good TV show, and the person who wrote this article mentioned that lots of fans had doubts, which is valid. I didn't even know this piece of theater existed, and as someone who has watched stranger things, I think this is so cool. The fact that they were able to properly display effects and other aspects of a filmed TV show during this play is incredibly impressive. I would be very curious to go backstage and learn all of the different tricks and props and items like that. From the pictures in this article the set looks incredible, and the one with all the lights, which I would assume is one of the scenes where Will is upside down, looks really awesome! I feel like this is the type of show that would have me on the edge of my seat, even though I am already aware of the plot, I would want to know what is going to come on stage next and how it is going to interact with the actors and the audience.

Luna said...

Personally, I am a really big fan of Stranger Things. I just finished rewatching the whole show for probably the fifth or sixth time. I love the concept and it’s just really cool. I do not know, however, how I feel about this. I think it’s a really cool idea of a prequel to the whole show and I really like that Bob comes back because Bob is such a good character and he got killed off too soon. I also love that we get to see the backstory between Jim and Joyce because they are such a cute partnership. Once again, I think that I’m kind of bored of Broadway doing adaptations and spin-offs of things. I think this really shows how it is a commercial industry and they put on things that will make money. Since Stranger Things is a TV show that is pretty accessible to a lot of people I feel like making it a play is kind of disappointing for all the people who wouldn’t have the access to go see it, but I really invested in the storyline. I think it would work better as a TV show.

Gemma said...

This is one of those plays that I’ve heard a fair bit about - mostly from social media and posting like this one, and almost everything I’ve seen makes me really excited about the show. I am admittedly a fan of the Stranger Things series and the visual and cinematographic effects it uses in the TV show, so seeing that translated to stage is genuinely a very interesting concept to me, and from what is described in the article and some of the videos it links, the way they use immersive technology is very innovative. I’d especially like to see how they jump between characters like a TV show without making it too jarring to the audience. I also really like how they decided to theme their theater to the show, making the audience feel more immersed in the play overall - and, likely making it feel more impactful to everyone who watches it.

Josh Egolf said...

I haven’t followed the progression of this production that much but I was excited when I read the headline last semester that this was being created and put on West End. Stranger is one of my favorite shows that I have ever watched. The production value is insane, the makeup and prosthetics are mind-blowing, the visual effects are unbelievable, and the acting is top-tier. If I ever get the chance to see a production of this show, whether in London or maybe New York City, I would take the offer in an instant. It is intriguing to see the story of Henry’s powers evolve and see how they affected his family and his life in the play. It is also interesting that they just started filming the fifth season of the television show, so I don't know if the information revealed in the play will be used in the fifth season or not.

Harshitha Bharghava said...

I quite like Stranger Things and I think that the idea to make it an immersive experience is a great one! I will say, I am personally a little disappointed in the fact the creators thought it would be a good idea to make a “parody musical” version of Stranger Things and put it up in a New York City theater I think back in 2022. I thought that was a TERRIBLE idea. I honestly wanted to see it for shits and giggles, but I ultimately decided to not waste my money on it. As much as I like the Netflix version of the show, I did not want to drop $100 on a ticket for a musical that had only okay reviews. Again, I am a big believer of creating new works and putting them on stage, not adapting work to the stage that doesn't need to be adapted in the first place.

Julia He said...

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing 'Stranger Things: The First Shadow' in London during my winter break. The production masterfully leverages the unique aspects of theatre-making, creating an unforgettable experience. The opening scene alone was astonishing, with a continuous stream of smog emanating from the stage equipment. This effect created an ethereal atmosphere, evoking the sensation of being adrift on a fog-enshrouded sea. The term "immersive" in the title is more than justified.
The set design and lighting played a significant role in enhancing the overall ambience. The intricate details and strategic lighting transported the audience directly into the heart of the story, creating a tangible connection with the characters and plot. Moreover, the sound design was impeccable, further drawing the audience into the narrative. Each auditory cue and piece of music was carefully chosen to augment the emotional impact of the scenes. Overall, 'Stranger Things: The First Shadow' is a testament to the power of theatre. It's a production that doesn't just tell a story; it envelops you in it, making you a part of its enigmatic world. This show is a must-see for fans and theatre enthusiasts alike, offering a fresh and exhilarating take on the beloved series.

Reigh Wilson said...

I have been a fan of the Stranger Things franchise since the first season came out in 2016 (which is crazy that it’s been eight years already) and I, like many others, were very interested in Henry Creel and his story when his plotline was revealed in the show. I think out of anything within this franchise they could’ve put on the stage, it feels smart to do a prequel and I am very interested by it. The production photo looks really cool and I’m curious to see how the Stranger Things aesthetic carries over into a theatrical setting. Reading this article was the first time I was able to see what the show is actually about, and a summary, and it sounds really cool. The West End does a lot of really cool and unique theater and I think first putting on this show over there makes a lot of sense and I am super excited about what’s to come for this show, and I am glad that the show seems to be received well.