CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Knowledge meets Entertainment: Keynotes and Live Acts at Prolight + Sound 2024 A lively mix of glitz, glamour, training and networking: this year, Prolight + Sound is focusing even more strongly on its unique combination of entertainment and business. The lecture programme has never been more international and diverse. From sound to light, themes are taken up that turn the stages of this world into magical places. With the Live Box, visitors can also look forward to a new attraction that puts one of the core elements of the Prolight + Sound DNA back in the spotlight: music.


Leumas said...

Events like Prolight + Sound provide a wonderful environment for the advancement of our industry. They provide this through hosting interesting presentations on pressing issues for the industry, giving manufacturers a place to show off the new technology that they are releasing, and providing an environment in which professionals from all kinds of backgrounds can build connections and share knowledge. I think that it is interesting that a lot of the talks for this year's Prolight + Sound focus on the environmental impacts of the work that our industry does and how productions can shift as the broader way the world works shifts. This includes figuring out how to use new spaces, in ways they were not previously intended to be used. Conferences like this allow people who have figured out how to solve difficult problems to be able to share their knowledge and for people starting out in the industry to gain an incredible amount of knowledge very quickly.

Gemma said...

I love reading about different conferences and the innovation they foster, and this article is no different. Prolight + Sound 2024 genuinely sounds like an event I would enjoy attending. Specifically - learning about the HOLOPLOT X1 Matrix Array system at the Sphere and the live presentations in the “Live Box” sound (no pun intended) like really interesting learning environments. Generally, the presentations on the aspects and implications of sound, both technologically and socially seem like they will provide interesting looks into slices of different industries and applications of audio technology. I also really appreciate the inclusion of community nights as a part of the event programming. I have always wanted to attend a conference like this one or LDI or The Conference Live At Lititz, etc, etc and every time I hear about a new one, it gets added to the ever-lengthening list of presentations and conferences I want to attend but unfortunately likely never will. Here’s to hoping though!