CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 29, 2024

Native Arts and Cultures Foundation gets a new leader

Oregon ArtsWatch: The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation, a national group based in Portland, has hired a new president and chief executive officer following a nine-month search. Shyla Spicer (Yakama) will take on the dual post, replacing founding President/CEO T. Lulani Arquette (Kanaka ‘Ōiwi [Native Hawaiian]), who is leaving after 15 years.

1 comment:

willavu said...

I didn’t know what the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) was before reading this article. The NACF is a nonprofit organization that supports Native American artists. Spaces like this are super important for keeping an authentic and creative art environment. To hear and look at art made by under-voiced people is something that can flip a piece of art upside down. The art world is overwhelmed by corrupt artists, but somehow the newest wave of artists do not really impress me. Many people are focused on a message or concept rather than the actual skill or composition. Skill isn’t the most important thing really, but a combination of the two would be nice. The new leader of the NACF, Shyla Spicer, seems like an inspiring Native American woman. But I don’t think an artist is only their cultural identity. This isn’t what the article discusses but I think it is important to take into account and be aware of how the art world is changing. For the better? Maybe. But the craft of art should not be taken for granted.