CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 27, 2023

Satellite MLS projectors join audience at busy opera house Digital Projection’s Satellite Modular Laser System (MLS) has found a new home in Munich’s historic Gärtnerplatztheater, one of the busiest opera houses in Germany. Specified by the Gärtnerplatztheater’s head of video, WE ARE VIDEO’s Raphael Kurig, and provided by Digital Projection’s German partner ETHA, the new projector system is supplied in TITAN Satellite MLS form, with three light-source modules per projector providing 30,000 ISO lumens’ illumination at WUXGA resolution.


Allie Blaylock said...

I am continually impressed by the embracing of modern technology in traditional theatrical settings, especially in opera. As someone who has seen and worked in opera I think that technology, especially projection, absolutely has a place in the opera. Operas are so dramatic and often over-the-top so having projections as another layer would greatly enhance some of the most iconic moments in opera. I would love to see the production currently running of Mozart’s The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte). Speaking logistically, the challenge of having a powerful, bright projector that is also silent would indeed be difficult. I find it interesting that they do not have a separate booth for the projector. I understand the building is older, but with recent renovations I believe they could have added room in the existing booth for the projector, which would have helped with noise quite a bit. It will be very interesting to see what the future holds for these two projectors and how long they hold up in an ever-expanding tech world.

Hikari said...

I love how video media design is becoming such a staple and core to theaters everywhere. I feel as though in the School of Drama, we always will have video media design, and I have seen them used in operas numerous times. However, when I think of video media being used in like an Opera in Germany, for some reason thinking about the traditionality of theater and everything it is a bit harder for me to imagine video media being utilized. I think that it is super cool that the MLS has been installed in this space. I am excited to see more photos of how it will be utilized in their space and productions. The biggest part of theater for me is the ability to make the audience feel they have entered another world, and is fully immersed in the experience of the production. I think that video media design really helps drive home that goal and I am excited to see how this will start to become a norm at every production.