CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 30, 2023

Himbo's Brings Continuous Laughter to the New Hazlett Himbos is a funny, fast-paced comedy that could mean a lot of things to a lot of different people, a “choose your own adventure” story. I’m unclear about which direction Pope intended Himbos to take; as presented last evening at the New Hazlett Theater, it is more a comedy than drama.

1 comment:

Aster said...

I had heard about this play previously and I thought it seemed really good. This review was quite harsh. They commend the play’s design and idea behind it but dislike the execution. The reviewer calls the play disorganized and without purpose. I of course didn’t see the play so I cannot say for certain whether they are wrong or not. I tend to dislike when people say that a show isn’t good just because it isn’t profound or doesn’t have some greater meaning, which is what this author says about Himbos. I believe that things can be good and not have a meaning. Sometimes just good fun is all that is needed. When people pretend that art needs to be elevated to be good I get upset. Art is art, that is all. If people go through the work and the effort to create art that makes it worthwhile. In the review the author said that people were getting enjoyment out of Himbos, and in my opinion that’s really all that matters.