CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 23, 2023

Quantum's 100th Illuminates Chagalls' Epic Love Story Quantum Theatre’s timing is especially urgent in unfurling its 100th production, The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk (The Chagall Musical). The real-life story spans the first half of the 20th century, three countries, the world at war and two people who were head over heels for each other – the artist Marc Chagall and his wife, Bella Rosenfeld.

1 comment:

Luna said...

For my scavenger hunt project in Basic Design I, I had the responsibility of researching Quantum theatre and the work that they do there. They have a large emphasis on doing theatre that is innovative and creative. One of their signatures is that they always use unconventional spaces to perform such as river bank, back alleys, ice skating rink, steel mill, and so much more. I really enjoyed reading about their next production, The Flying Lovers of Vitsbsk. I did not know that it is a true story based on the writer and his wife. The story follows Jewish main character’s love story during the Russian Revolution. Due to the conflict going on in the world right now, this play is very timely and will hopefully create a positive lasting impression on the audience. They are putting on this production at the Rodef Shalom Congregation, but the photos make it seem as if it has been completely transformed with the set.