CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Superman to employ 3,000 Ohio locals in April

Reel 360 News: Ohio is gearing up for a super boost in its film industry as the iconic Blue Boy Scout prepares to soar across the state’s landscapes. The DC Studios’ latest venture, simply titled Superman, is set to grace the cities of Cincinnati and Cleveland, injecting over $11 million in tax credits and offering employment opportunities to more than 3,000 locals.


Leumas said...

People spend a lot of time thinking about jobs and the local economy. People also spend a lot of time thinking about how the arts are great culturally but a waste of time and money. This article really brings into focus the fact that the world of arts and entertainment is a real industry that requires jobs and work to be done. Having a movie filmed in a location can bring a large, highly gifted film crew into an area that might otherwise be struggling. It also provides a lot of jobs for the local area as over-hire and non-technical people are needed. In addition to the labor benefits, having a movie film in your city also injects a huge influx of cash, into the production buying lodging and food and lumber and props. Overall while people think of the arts as a place that doesn’t make any money, a large film can involve bringing a lot of money and economic benefits to an area.

Jojo G said...

When I was a kid my dad showed me the original Superman movies and I really liked them. I watched the main few with him before forgetting about the franchise until a few years later when I started watching the rest of the movies. And they were, okay, kinda. Some of them were actually pretty good but most really fell short of replicating the feeling of the first ones. I have a good feeling that they figured they could put less effort into it since the previous ones did well. Like Justice League, which was decent, but really fell short. But especially Batman vs Superman was one of the worst ones I saw. I would like to see them revitalize the essence of Superman again with this new movie. I don’t have high hopes given DC’s recent contributions, but hopefully with its filming location being this closely tied to Superman.