CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Path: How 6 Actors Learned Their Craft

AMERICAN THEATRE: Just as there’s no one right way to act, there’s no one right way to learn to do it. Ask a room full of actors how they acquired the skills, life experience, and confidence they needed to be successful at their craft and their trade, and each will give you a different answer.

1 comment:

Joanne Jiang said...

As someone who entered the theater world as an actor, I agree that there is no “right” way to learn how to act. My teachers who I grew up with and learnt with are very supportive, and the curriculum gave me a lot of personal space to grow and explore and learn. The teachers didn’t force me to act in a specific way, but rather always gave me advice for me to learn and grasp the concept my myself. I think my whole path in theatre was very similar to those in the article, where things just happened, and I ended up where I am. Like one of them said, “there is no linear path to Broadway. There is absolutely no guidebook.” Ending up anywhere theatre related doesn’t have any rules or guidebooks, its just knowing people, and knowing what you do and being good at what you do.