CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 21, 2024

'The Gentlemen' Production Designer Created Fake Weed Plants Production designer Martyn John recalls showing filmmaker Guy Ritchie at least 24 English country houses for the 2019 film “The Gentlemen.” Ritchie eventually chose the stately home of Basildon Park, Berkshire in the U.K. for that film.


Penny Preovolos said...

I love the idea that my job one day could be figuring out how to make hundreds of fake weed plants. It's absurd, but it's creative and fun and I love that my profession might allow me to do some of this. I watched this series over spring break and I do remember thinking and wondering about the plants. The actors and the camera come up really close and personal with the plants and I was wondering how they made plants look so much like real weed plants, I thought they just found a look alike. However, this article revealed that they were actually pictures of the leaves printed on silk and crafted and connected together to mimic the movement and feel of the real plant. I think the result was really impressive and it turned out really well. I also really just appreciated the other production aspects of the show and I think for something on Netflix has a really good design and production team behind it.

Joanne Jiang said...

Now, although the part about the fake weed plants does sound insanely interesting, I am now also insanely interested in the storyline of the film itself, and now want to watch it. Also with Theo James in it, it makes me want to watch it even more, because my last memory of watching a film with him in it is Divergent, and my early teenage self really liked him. (I’m sure he has been in many other shows, I just haven’t been watching any of them). Creating that much fake weed sounds so cool, and I really want to be involved and learn about the process, because I feel like plant is something that is really hard to make look real. I often see a fake plant and know its fake, but rarely have I said it looks really real. Finding houses to film is is also so intriguing, because I have no idea how they do that. Do they just go on google maps and look on every road?

Abigail Lytar said...

As someone who loves props and the creation of things, I thought that this was a really cool article. I always love the opportunity to read about how things are made for movie sets and theatre. It is always so fascinating to see what creative solutions people can come up with to make realistic looking mock ups of other things. Especially when they are so believable and yet are not even close to being the real thing. The Gentleman is one of the best thriller movies I have seen that has been made in recent years and I quite enjoy it so it was cool to read all about the way the artwork and cannabis was created on a film I am fairly familiar with. The way the silk interacted with the 3d printed heads is interesting because it created a realistic effect but not seeing them in person I never would have guessed that that was how it was created. Overall I enjoyed reading the article.

Helen Maleeny said...

Okay, first, this is such a fun movie. I love Guy Ritchie films, and the fast-dialogue and fun plots that they have. When I saw this article I got very excited. (even though I haven’t seen the series yet) Especially because even though I’ve seen and enjoyed the film, I actually knew very little about the production design process and so it was super cool to read about that and how it lead into the new series. It’s fascinating that the baseline story of the family that owns the manor that was chosen is very similar to that of the story within the film, of the newly inherited home. I had never heard or thought of the idea of “silk stuck to the walls” before, and that’s a super cool way to change the layout/feel of a room especially as apparently it leads back to the story 150 years ago, when they did that apparently. And the concept of silk being made to look like weed is insane and so creative. One of the things about Guy Ritchie works is that even though I feel like I focus more on the plot and storyline and editing, he always has a really cool visual aesthetic and so it was definitely cool to hear from the production designer who made that happen for The Gentlemen!

John E said...

This was a fascinating and very intriguing article to read. I watched “The Gentleman” and absolutely loved it! The production value of that show was truly stunning and if you had told me those were real weed plants I would have one hundred percent believed you because they looked truly stunning and exactly what I would have expected. Reading about the amount of work and effort that went into making and designing and building the plants first off makes so much sense because they were bloody gorgeous, but also it makes me have just such and even greater appreciation for them and their art because of the sheer amount of time and energy that it must have taken to make them. Overall, I really loved and enjoyed this article and I love that this is the industry that I have chosen to enter into and that such incredible people and innovation is happening.