CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 28, 2024

World Theater Day 2024: 10 great world theaters. 10 great New York theater books

New York Theater: In honor of World Theater Day, celebrated internationally every March 27th since 1962, here are 10 beautiful theaters from around the world, and 10 great books about New York theater.


Abby Brunner said...

I hadn’t realized it was World Theatre Day until the day had come and went. It’s nice to know that there is a day when we can celebrate the work we do as theatre artists around the world with many different art forms. The books stated in this article are ten of the best books about New York theatre and it’s so interesting to read small summaries about them. In particular, there are books about Shakespeare, Stephen Sondheim, The Battle of Broadway and so much more. There are so many different aspects that go into theatre and a show as a whole that need to be taken into consideration when producing a show, and it seems as though these texts mentioned are some of the best to learn about these different aspects. Similarly, I was blown away by the different types of theatres shown in this article from all over the world. Ranging from outside theatres to theatres with intricate architecture and lighting it’s incredible to see how many different types of theatres there are. Next year I will be sure to remember World Theatre Day because of how informative it is about other forms of theatre.

Delaney Price said...

Shocked to me, I had pleasantly read three out of the ten books this article recommended. I love nonfiction pop culture writing, and more generally, books about pop culture overall. It’s rare I leave the fourth floor of Hunt Library without a new title in hand. Documentation is such a regularly underappreciated aspects of our industry. It is the reason we have museums, historical records, and inspiration for the work we design now. While a modern book about “Spiderman on Broadway” may not seem like a research document, it is. For my Dietrich final, I’m writing about the depiction of reproductive justice in Cabaret. I’ve been able to check out books like this to fuel my research with factual and accurate information. Without books like the article mentioned, this research would not be possible. Anyways I guess this is my reminder to visit your local library and check out theater books!