CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 05, 2021

Monet and Friends: A Digitised Theme Park of Art

TheatreArtLife: What’s the connection between sharks and Monet? His company, Grande Experiences, uses advanced digital technology to display images on huge screens in large spaces. The images in the shark show were created by an international team of shark experts and marine biologists. The oceanographic cinematography created an entertaining shark experience that toured the world.


Rhiannnon said...

I was skeptical of the so called "super-experiences" that this company is creating. Since I was thinking that digitalizing and blowing p this impressionist paintings would take a way 2 major components of viewing art: 1) texture (impasto and brush strokes) and 2) viewing it from far enough away to to understand the impressionistic scene. But then I saw that there were different sizes and views of each image and they were adding in more sensory experiences like smell and sound. So while you do exchange the physicality of the painting, you are able to enjoy the feeling of the painting in different ways like smelling jasmine flowers in a garden or hearing music play in a bar.

Gabriela Fonseca Luna said...

It has now been a couple of weeks since I started seeing ads for the Van Gogh version of this exhibit that will be coming to Pittsburgh this September. As a museum enthusiast, I am personally looking forward to it and found it very enjoyable that I get to read a bit about what it actually is. In my eyes there are multiple ways one can enjoy art, there is no right or wrong way. Reading a book may not be super engaging to you but maybe an audiobook is, or maybe you can’t sit down for two hours to watch a musical but you can listen to the cast recording in chunks. Simple swaps like that are what allow more people to get introduced to art they could have not otherwise experienced. I appreciate how this exhibition has broken the ways we look at galleries, and how they can be.