CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Actors' Equity Association Concludes First-Ever Convention Actors' Equity Association has concluded its first-ever convention, from April 25 to 27. Because it is not yet safe to convene in person, the delegates met remotely to recommend policy for the future of the union in accordance with the convention's theme: "Equity: Solidarity in a New Era," as well as to attend breakout sessions to learn more as member leaders and hear from guest speakers.

1 comment:

Victor Gutierrez said...

Equity is feeling very ambitious, because that was a lot of resolution for a 3-day convention, and I do not have any confidence that much work was developed on any of those resolutions past what was in the article. I will say as someone who worked in non-union theater who didn’t always see union outreach as a good thing, I’m not a big fan of the language in the resolutions that talked about organizing in “as-yet non-Equity communities.” That brings a visual of an invading army taking over theaters like a game of Risk that I don’t feel comfortable with. I think it’s important to have resources available and to make it easy for theaters to join Equity if that’s what the workers want, but I think there’s a lot of reasons why they wouldn’t. Primarily, joining Equity is expensive and doing union shows can be cost-prohibitive, especially for smaller theaters. Unless there is going to financial assistance offered, I don’t think Equity should be butting its head into any theaters uninvited. Also, I’m out of words but we need to talk about the walk out on day 3 because Equity isn’t listening to its BIPOC delegates.