CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Retired Hollywood workers: Industry isn’t diversifying as fast as it should be over past 50 years The Oscars are this Sunday, and the acting categories are showing diversity efforts by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. For people working “below the line” — those involved in daily pre-production, production, and post-production work — studios agreed to diversify their workforce and created a minority training program in 1969. It happened after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recommended the Justice Department file a discrimination suit.

1 comment:

Gabriela Fonseca Luna said...

I think a conversation on diversity in Hollywood is very needed. I know there has been making the rounds since Black Lives Matter gained a lot of coverage last year, but we need to keep it as a discussion. I have read up on the conditions that a lot of black performers have to be under from hair alone. A lot of hairstylists don’t know how to style their hair. It sounds like an easy problem to fix, but this is a fundamental issue. If your employer does not care about something as small as the proper hairstylist who is to say that will care about bigger problems. There is no doubt there have been great strides made but there is still a lot of work to be done. Arguably the reason why the Oscar committee even bothered to look at other countries for their nominations was the pandemic and the halt on American productions, which speaks volumes in my eyes.