CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Inside the Broadway Community Project: Before a Show Hits the Stage, Script Coordinators Get It on the Page

Playbill: Today, meet Armelle González Harper, who shaped her stage management expertise and love of the creative process into the relatively new role of script coordinator. In this position, González Harper documents and distributes all script changes throughout the show’s development, from early stages through rehearsals.

1 comment:

Gabriela Fonseca Luna said...

What I love most about this article is that it continues to prove that theatre is not a statistic medium, but is meant to grow and shape around what we are currently doing. There are often so many nooks and crannies that get overlooked simply because we do not happen to think those problems can be fixed. Much like this example, what comes to my mind is the new technology management program at CMU. I too have seen firsthand the magic that can happen in a room if the creators are just allowed to create and not have to worry about everything else that has to happen in tandem. I also find it interesting just how flexible the skills of stage managers are. It really can be applicable to things we have not thought to the full extent of. As a side note, I can imagine that Gonzalez Harper’s wedding must have been amazing.