CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 02, 2021

Beacons of Light: Kael Gillam DW Windsor is powered by people with a shared passion for light, committed to delivering outstanding lighting solutions. To celebrate those who share our passion, we’ve sought out individuals who are making a positive impact on our community and shining a light on our industry. Through this series of interviews, we are highlighting a number of unique and inspiring people who are leading the way as Beacons of Light.

1 comment:

Bridget Doherty said...

I love the quote about making sure the first thing you see in a space is spectacular. That's such a wonderful way to approach design in any capacity. This is a really well done interview that I can relate to a lot. I'm constantly evaluating the relationships between my struggle with mental health and my work and education in the entertainment industry, and how those can feed each other and harm each other as well. For me, it's learning to harness the energy I do have and then be able to turn around and protect it to prevent burnout or crises. Architectural and experiental lighting design is an area I'm really fascinated by, since it really seems like such a different world than the one we're used to living in in the school of drama. I'm glad that the mental health conversation is become more and more normal, because that's the only way it's going to be cared for.