CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The story of Anne Benna Sims, the first African-American ballerina at ABT

AFRO American Newspapers: Early on in her childhood, Anne Benna Sims, the first African-American ballerina to sign a contract with the American Ballet Theatre (ABT), wanted to take lessons in dance, but she had to wait a few years before she was allowed to start.

1 comment:

Ana Schroeder said...

I am so happy to see black ballerinas be highlighted. I recently saw on Misty Copeland's Instagram her series that she is doing to highlight the black dancers that have come before her and inspired her. Hearing about Anne Benna Sims's story was so inspiring. Seeing how her passion fueled all of her decisions in life was really an ah-ha moment that you have to put passion first and not be confined by society's expectations of you. I think it's so interesting that she trained at the school, then traveled to other areas in different companies, and ultimately ended back up at ABT. My favorite part of her story was her complete surprise at getting offered a contract when it wasn't even her goal. I think it speaks a lot to her testament as a dancer and kudos to her friend who supported her in that wild mix of fate. I enjoyed her perspective of descriptors versus professions, it is an important thought and notion.