CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 14, 2024

SXSW Audiences Loudly Boo Festival Videos Touting the Virtues of AI Conversations about the future of artificial intelligence can be found all over SXSW this year — and not all of the festival’s attendees are thrilled with the idea. Specifically, the film and TV fans catching screenings of world premieres including “The Fall Guy” and “Immaculate” made their AI displeasure loud and clear on Tuesday at the Paramount Theatre in Austin.


Carly Tamborello said...

The quote that “AI makes us fundamentally more human” or whatever is completely wild. I’m not sure who wrote that or thought it would be a good idea to say out loud. Even if someone is on the fence with regards to whether they are pro- or anti-AI, it’s just straight up not true, so from an argument standpoint it falls pretty flat. Anyway, I’m glad to see that AI has not corrupted the hearts and minds of the public. Of course, this industry has a clearer understanding of the dangers of artificial intelligence becoming more prevalent in our lives as it’s already being used to push artists into irrelevance wherever possible, so I wonder if the reaction would’ve been different at an academic or certainly a tech conference of some kind. Either way, I’m heartened by the negative response to the idea of AI becoming a lead technology of the future.

Karter LaBarre said...

I'm honestly glad that people were booing. I mean who thought openly-pro AI ideals would get cheered on in a space where everyone has been protesting the frequent and heavy levels of AI that are taking jobs. As one of the tweets they showed towards the bottom of the article said, “read the room people”. Couldn’t agree more myself, seeing as I am not a fan of AI, especially in art. I know I’ve touched on it a bit before but genuinely I think that AI can be incredibly harmful and ruin so many things in the world. It’s very difficult for artists to find jobs already and the drive of AI usage is not helping. I think that AI can maybe be helpful in very small and contained levels, but it should mainly remain unused. The whole concept of it is kind of terrifying and I think we need to learn to control our impulses and stop looking for shortcuts that involve AI.