CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 01, 2024

PLASA Launches Industry Survey On Sustainability

Live Design Online: PLASA is running an industry-wide survey on sustainability. The association aims to understand how and if companies across the entertainment technology sector are tackling the important issue of sustainability and carbon reduction.


Claire M. said...

I think that our industry needs a lot more research done into how sustainable we are being. The current practice of just throwing out things after shows, even here at CMU, is so wasteful, and I was honestly surprised when I got here from places like my local community theater, where the budget necessitates that they keep pretty much everything. I think that keeping things could lower the cost for the industry as a whole, as well as being more equitable for others who want to produce similar shows. I believe that this survey will not reflect well on the industry as a whole, but we will see some pretty positive changes come as a result, as well as potentially seeing some growth in how sustainable we are now versus how sustainable we were 10 or 15 years ago. I really hope that we also get a financial incentive to improve the sustainability of the industry, and I just really think that it's something we should be focusing on as a community.

Karter LaBarre said...

This seems like a really important survey to me. I care a lot about sustainability and the environment, especially how it interacts with theater. I know I've said this before but theater is a very wasteful art and tends to be very harmful to the environment. I think having this survey to raise awareness of what theater companies are actually doing to the environment and how they're carbon emissions or wastefulness affects everything, is incredibly impactful. Many people don't realize how truly harmful their actions are, and how many other things we could be doing to reduce carbon emissions, or impact our environment less. Things like traveling shows are incredibly bad for the environment considering the truck emissions and other things like that. I hope to keep working to find a way to make theater more sustainable art, and to use different tools in order to create new ways to help our planet through theater.