CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 11, 2024

Festival amplifies the female voice

Pasatiempo | The opportunities that Talia Pura wanted to see in the world didn’t exist. So she had to create them. Pura, the founder of Santa Fe’s Blue Raven Theatre, created the Fearless Female Voices Festival because she wanted to correct an imbalance in the playwright world. And now, as it enters its fourth season, its purpose is as clear as ever.

1 comment:

willavu said...

This is awesome. although it is a bit concerning how women still have to fight for the same amount of opportunities as men in 2024 it is still a great achievement that they have made. Sometimes I think about the sheer fact that women and men aren't held on the same pedestal shall we say, the wage Gap as well as just looking at this country's infrastructure is insane. many people these days aren't trying to push for women's rights and feminism as much as they were even 20 years ago. It seems it's seen as cliche or taboo to talk about a woman, and although it is great that other minority groups are being seen it is extremely important to hold on to the fact that being a woman is still a statement in America. so festivals like these I'm grateful for the fact that women shouldn't be alienated for being themselves but should be praised for how far they've come, and how far they will hopefully move in the future.