CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Agog Aims To Help Immersive Projects Focused On Social Good Announced by co-founders Chip Giller and Wendy Schmidt, Agog: The Immersive Media Institute is a new philanthropic organization that aims to promote social justice and equality using immersive media. The effort aims to open "new avenues for empathy, understanding, and activism" while promoting positive social transformation.


Ana Schroeder said...

I am so excited to see more art used for social change. Most projects I see focused on social change still have to contest with the ever-difficult artistic society where ideas need to be changed to be successful. I think immersive experiences are so different as they don't have to contest with the trials and tribulations of theatrical economics. I think since this is so new using new technology that most people are interested in experiencing, this endeavor could be quite successful. It almost reminds me of MeowWolf in a way because that idea was new and exciting and has succeeded in many cities. I can see a similar appeal for this immersive experience. Of course, it will be different because of the use of XR technology and not a physical medium to express ideas but nonetheless, I draw the similarities. I wish the article talked more specifically about which social issues they are going to address, as the list is quite literally endless.

Ella McCullough said...

I love seeing positive art that is designed to increase empathy. I don’t know if I fully grasped what this art is going to look like but I am all over the message. From what I could gather it sounds like this is going to try and bring a positive change and positive outlook which I really enjoy. I have a hard time when our only solution to bring awareness to a situation is to go really dark, and deep really quickly. I think it is necessary sometimes but not always. I love a really hopefully uplifting message that also promotes social change and pushes for equality. I specifically like the sentence about bringing folks together to learn together. I think that learning in a community is the most valuable way to learn. It provides more opportunity for insight and thoughts that might not have been brought up in a different setting. I am excited to learn more about this and I love the work they are doing.