CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 12, 2024

Actors' Equity Authorizes Strike That Could Pause In-Development Plays and Musicals

Playbill: Professional actor and stage manager union Actors' Equity Association has authorized a development strike against The Broadway League, a move that could see developmental workshops for plays and musicals put on pause. It should be noted this authorization has not begun an actual strike.

1 comment:

willavu said...

As much as it sucks to be put on pause on any piece of work, especially a whole production, it is important to in this case. Some may say dire. People are not being paid and treated properly for the high-quality work they produce. Any movement is going to have setbacks and even let go, but with these compromises at the moment– results will be shown. Strikes are so powerful because of the silence they hold. It is the ‘not doing’ that makes a change. Making the people causing the unjust nature and making them look at what they are missing, and what they need to change about themselves to make it right. It is about hearing the unheard voices. Strikes also cause workers to leverage to bargain for better working conditions. However, these strikes are a bit risky as well, as some employers will just replace the crew as a whole. But we must have hope that the big employers to see their flaws and fix them.