CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Broadway box office sees biggest Presidents Day weekend boost since 2017; nearly all shows increase in gross and attendance In a week that encompassed both Presidents Day weekend and the promotional event Kids’ Night on Broadway, Broadway’s box office saw significant growth. Following the lowest-grossing week of the season to date, the 23 current Broadway productions took in $26,946,864, an increase of 27.2%. Attendance increased 7.3% from week ending Feb. 11, tallying 201,727 Main Stem admissions during week 39 of the 2023-2024 season. Theatergoers filled seats to 94.1%, up 8.1% from the week prior, and the highest capacity figure seen so far in calendar year 2024.


Leumas said...

Any time I see that attendance numbers for theatrical productions are going up, I become hopeful for the future of theater and live entertainment overall. There is so much content online, that it can be difficult for people to make time to get out and see things. Going to the theater takes time, you have to get out of your house, you have to figure out how to get to the theater, pay for the ticket, and sit in a seat for over an hour surrounded by a whole bunch of people that you don’t know. With how easy it is to find satisfaction at home, there can be less of an incentive to jump through those hoops to experience the thrill of a live performance, and so I am always pleased to see when people make an effort to go out and do things. If this industry is going to survive, people have to want to see it.

Esther said...

I think something that we are all scared of as we go into this industry is how much we love broadway and how we have fatized it to be this amazing thing but in reality there are so many horror stories that it is holding us back. Knowing that more and more people are going out of their way and watching live theatre when there are so many opportunities to watch things online in the comfort of your own home fills me with joy. I think that it is the best feeling knowing that people appreciate the hard work that we do and are going out of their way to show their support. The live theatre industry can be complicated because people want to experience live theatre and go watch broadway shows but the cost and time it takes out of peoples day can also turn people away from the experiences.