CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 15, 2023

Travel the Universe at ARTECHOUSE's "Beyond the Light" Exhibition Opening September 15

District Fray: Raging storms on distant planets. Towering, rainbow-hued nebulas. Sprawling galaxies. Since the first telescope was invented, astronomy has captured our imagination. Now, in collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), ARTECHOUSE is celebrating generations of innovation in watching, exploring and understanding the cosmos and our place in it with its breathtaking new exhibition, “Beyond the Light.”


Jessica Williams said...

I adore the James Webb Space Telescope with all of my heart. I have always thought that space and the mysteries and light and absolute vastness of it all is the absolute most beautiful thing to exist. So I think that this project is a work or genius and something that I would a hundred percent be interested in attending. I remember watching the old Carl Sagan Cosmos with my grandfather before he passed and finding it to be the most incredible tv show of all time. And then I watched the Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos with my entire family every friday night as a family bonding time. So this exhibition feels tailor made for me and my family and people like us. If I had been better at math as a child and I had chosen a different path for myself and my career, I would have gotten my degrees in astronomy and would have aimed to work at a radio telescope. The same joy and beauty I find in theatre, I find in astronomy which makes this exhibition wonderful to me.

Natalie Lawton said...

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved space. Even at one point, I wanted to be an astronomer before the physics of it all got boring and hard. The beauty of space is unlike anything that can be found on earth and it is incredibly exciting to see people try. The Artechouse Beyond the Light exhibition is promised to be a mesmerizing and immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of traditional art. Located at the cutting edge of art and technology, Artechouse showcases this groundbreaking exhibition, where light is not just a medium but a vivid, dynamic language that speaks to the senses. The perfect way to capture the beauty of our universe. Beyond the Light delves into the ethereal world of light, sound, and color, inviting visitors on a captivating journey through a kaleidoscope of interactive installations and digital landscapes. This innovative exhibition pushes the boundaries of artistic expression, offering a unique blend of science, art, and technology that leaves visitors awe-inspired and redefines their perception of what art can be. It's a testament to the ever-evolving intersection of art and digital innovation, inviting all who enter to explore, engage, and be transported into a realm where creativity knows no bounds.

Helen Maleeny said...

I’ve been to an exhibition at ARTECHOUSE in New York before, and it was so interesting the way it was oriented. It was entirely magenta, and so all-consuming. I found exploring this experimental art so interesting, and it was especially cool watching others interact with the space. I think it’s especially cool that this exhibition is based on the cosmos and solar system, bringing in science to this artistic realm. Also I feel it would bring such a different perspective of the universe, as the ARTECHOUSE exhibition is so immersive, with projections all over the walls and floor, so you’re constantly consuming their media. In this case, you’d really feel the massiveness and expansiveness of the universe around you, but also would see parts of it quite intimately as it zoomed in. I feel it would be a great learning experience, and many could go and take something away from it, both from a recreational perspective but scientists and students could go as well? Overall this is quite exciting, and I think is a newly rich step for the ARTECHOUSE’s explorations.

Leumas said...

I think that lighting installations like this are a very interesting way that we can use light to tell a story and use the technology of the entertainment industry. This reminds me of an installation I saw in Niagara Falls two summers ago. They turned an abandoned power plant into a museum and one of the exhibits was a production that told the story of the plant through lights, projections, and sound. Most of the lighting in that project was produced by the projectors, but they also had two trusses of moving lights and LED strips inside the generators to allow them to light up. I think that installations like this work the best when they are combined with an immersive and interesting sound design and are deeply based on a real story, whether that be our understanding of the cosmos or the history of a power plant. I wonder how advances in technology can impact what is possible in installations like this.