CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 07, 2024

10 Movies With the Best Costume Design, Ranked Because they often breathe characters into life, set the tone, and help create the identity and visuals of a film, a well-crafted design is a key aspect that must be executed properly when making a movie. This is especially true when said movie is specifically set in a certain era or takes place in a world that's different from ours.


Sharon Alcorn said...

I have only seen three of the films on this list; The Great Gatsby, Marie Antoinette, and The Favourite. Based on the costumes I saw in those movies, and where they ranked on this list, I have an idea of what the costume design was like in the other films.

From what I recall, I liked the costumes from Marie Antoinette the best out of the three. I wasn’t impressed by the film as a whole (and I knew this before watching), but the reputation the film had because of its costumes convinced me to watch it in the first place. Every single costume was extremely colorful and extravagant, and there were so many little details on each piece that I had to pause the movie several times to fully take in the outfits. I was so inspired by the costumes that I became obsessed with 18th century fashion, and my next few sewing projects after that were based on that era.

Ava Basso said...

I really enjoyed reading through this article. It was fun to see all of the choices that the author had picked out for best costumes and I felt excited every time I knew one of the movies! I think that costumes are often overlooked, but really make the whole foundation of a movie or show. Even though this article only showed one picture with each movie, I opened a new tab and searched up the movie and the costumes. They all are beautiful and the movies that I didn't know I will be adding to my list of “to watch”! It was nice that the article gave both a description of the movie and then a whole designated part for the costume designers. I feel that the designers are often overlooked and we have a culture of just “look at this actress in this costume!” It is very fitting to see designers get credit for their own work and insight into their process.

FallFails said...

In my opinion it’s impossible to rank designs because each designer has limitations or constraints to work with. Each movie on this list had it’s own theme and within that it’s own constraints. I find that, while it can help to provide inspiration and recognition, making lists like this one can make a field of work that is best as a collaborative space into one that has competition. That being said, the movies on this list portray a good sampling of different costuming techniques and helps to bring attention to an aspect of film making that is instrumental in creating an environment that draws viewers in and immerse them the world of their respective stories.