CMU School of Drama

Monday, August 26, 2024

What’s On Stage Pittsburgh for the week of August 26th to the end of September, 2024 Here is onStage Pittsburgh‘s current lineup of upcoming theater, opera, dance, Pittsburgh Symphony, classical, and chamber music performances in the greater Pittsburgh area this summer.


Abby Brunner said...

Last semester I didn’t have the chance to see as much theatre as I wanted to in the surrounding Pittsburgh community. Having been in Pittsburgh for 2 years now, I am hopeful that this year I will be able to make more time to see productions outside of the ones we put on at the School of Drama. I know I will be seeing Hamilton in September, which I am super excited about because this will be my first time seeing it live. I am so grateful for the student tickets that CMU offers because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see the shows at the Benedum. I want to go see Potus at City Theatre because that show has been on my list for a while and I think it will be fun. Navigating around my current show schedule may prove to be a challenge, but I am hopeful I’ll be able to go see Potus and hopefully many other community productions this year.

Marion Mongello said...

This is a great website that I literally didn’t know existed. I am consistently reminded that Pittsburgh is a flourishing creative community hub that is absolutely bursting with SO MUCH ART AND TALENT! I am always looking for for more shows to watch, especially new works. I love seeing people share their artistry with the community, and watching how it brings so many people together. Some shows that I saw in this article that I will definitely be keeping in mind are Young Frankenstein at the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera, Andy Warhol’s Tomato at Pittsburgh International Classic Theatre, and Little Women at the Little Lake Theatre. We are exposed to a LOT of theatre by going to Drama school, but it is always cool to escape the SoD bubble and see the art going on outside around us. I cannot wait to see what Pittsburgh has in store for this year, and am looking forward to all of the shows I am going to see!

Rachel L said...

This is a fantastic website! I read through the shows listed and there are so many I would love to see, and it has an incredible variety. I had no idea that Pittsburgh had a New Works Festival. It looks amazing! New work is so important to the continuation of theatre, and it’s fantastic that this festival highlights and celebrates new writing. I will definitely be checking out this season’s listings. I was so excited when I saw that Little Women will be playing soon, I love the story and musical so much. I hope I will be able to go see it! It was also interesting to see how many of the shows I had never heard of before, which is an exciting prospect to me. I love seeing shows that are new to me, and ones that aren’t done very often. Now I know to be on the lookout for more unusual theatre offerings in Pittsburgh!

Jasper Gitlitz said...

Reading through this surprisingly (although it really shouldn’t be) long list of theater happening in Pittsburgh made me realize just how much is happening that I am missing out on in this city. There are so many more opportunities to experience theater, art, and other cultural experiences in and around Pittsburgh than I had initially thought but even once I’m made aware of their existence, it’s so easy to forget that these opportunities are there. It’s very easy to get trapped in the CMU bubble and never venture into the rest of Pittsburgh while we’re here for only four short years. Over the next two years, I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to explore more of what Pittsburgh has to offer and take advantage of my time here. I would love to get exposed to more of what is happening in the theatrical world and CMU is as good a place as any.