CMU School of Drama

Friday, August 30, 2024

Sign Industry Training: The What, the Why and the How Training is a process of increasing the knowledge and skills relating to a particular role or skill, but it also has wider benefits. The process can include product updates; goals to improve capability, productivity and performance; and ways to enhance positive work behavior.

1 comment:

Nick Wylie said...

The sign industry is such an interesting job field, and I feel like training in it would be invaluable for anyone getting a job in that field. Regardless of experience, there is so much to learn and so many different ways to approach problems of how to make what the costumer wants. I think that when people imagine a sign maker, they mostly think of just printing onto a vinyl sheet. In reality, sign makers are brought so many ideas by customers that they need to be able to fabricate with almost any material for really intricate designs. While this article talked about the sign industry, I think everything they said is applicable to our world as well. Training is not only for new people or small businesses, but instead getting everyone trained to the same level can bring about so many new ideas on how to tackle a problem when bringing a design to life. Training is still a form of learning, and learning more can only enlarge the bag of tricks you have when solving problems.