CMU School of Drama

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Getting your first job

Woodworking Network: Over the last year and a half we’ve covered a lot of ground on how to start a woodworking business or how to get one going. This month I thought we should keep it simple. How to get your first job is relevant because the best way to get started is to get your first job.

1 comment:

Nick Wylie said...

This article is interesting because while it talks about getting a first job in woodworking, I feel like it's applicable to getting a job at any point and in any industry. The topics like Networking and What Do You Know should be valuable points to anyone looking to get a job at any point in their careers. Something like Social Media isn't always needed by everyone trying to get a job, but the amount of woodworkers I follow on social medias is crazy. I think social media for a wood shop is so invaluable because you get to show off the cool things you are doing and any cool ways you are completing a task. I follow so many of these accounts because there is always interesting tricks you can learn to make a task faster or easier, like when I found a video showing off a cutlist layout program to get cut layouts and order amounts. I think everything in this article is very valuable for someone starting a woodworking business, but can also be applied to almost anyone in the world looking for a job.