CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

New White House educational experience to open with Panasonic displays

InPark Magazine: Panasonic Corporation of North America announced a collaboration with The White House Historical Association to bring its new educational space “The People’s House: A White House Experience” to life.

1 comment:

JFleck said...

It is fascinating to see where technology has developed and is being put to practical (or impractical) use. I find that screens always draw attention more than paper ever can. This is not always a good thing. I find it hard to analyze or fully understand a complicated document while it is on a screen. This application of technology could be good for the introduction of so much history on so many objects to give cursory information as guests wander through the museum. This introduction of technology allows the opportunity to also scroll through lots of information as the screen can change where paper cannot. I also wonder how the 360 degree projection can be used especially with a large tour group or if it will be used for smaller groups that cam wander through. Hopefully with the problems that technology can bring, the proper application of it can bring greater experiences to the museum-goers.