CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Ghost of John McCain Opening Date, Cast, and More

The Mary Sue: The much anticipated new play The Ghost of John McCain is due to preview off-Broadway on September 3, 2024, to the delight of theater and political fanatics alike. The only person who isn’t excited about this snarky new satire is the late senator’s daughter, Meghan McCain.

1 comment:

Tane Muller said...

Who is allowed to create art based on historical figures? How much liberty can be taken and is it right to do so? Is there a certain amount of time a person has to be dead before we should create art based on this person? I personally am not sure if I have the answer to any of these questions but I do feel that as we as a society are becoming more aware of how the art we create affects the views and opinions of the collective public. With that stated, this play looks like it is trying to make a political commentary on the current state of US politics and although it was stated that they are trying to make this to honor John McCain’s contribution to history. The art produced based on someone's life will skew public opinion and views of them and I can understand family and friends having issues with this.