CMU School of Drama

Monday, August 19, 2024

Joaquin Phoenix Gay Romance Producer Defends Casting Straight Star Producer Christine Vachon shared her frustrations following star Joaquin Phoenix dropping out of filming on Todd Haynes’ untitled explicit gay romance film just five days before shooting was set to begin, but defended her production company for casting Phoenix since he’s the one who brought the project to them.

1 comment:

Carly Tamborello said...

There seems to be a lot of speculation as to why Phoenix left the project, but no factual answers. To drop out of a project with only five days until filming is wild, so I wonder what talks might have been going on in the background prior to the actual leaving that we don’t know about. It’s also very surprising that an actor who was the entire reason for the project coming together, who pitched the idea for it and watched the project accrue financial backing because of his star power, would suddenly decide to back out. I assume the situation would’ve had to be very extreme to warrant that. On the issue of straight actors playing gay roles: I do believe that it’s important to uplift LGBT actors and not allow roles to be taken from them, and that an LGBT actor is probably able to lend more nuance and more of themselves to an LGBT role than a straight actor. But that said, I don’t think there’s anything fundamentally wrong or immoral about a straight actor playing an LGBT role if it is done with care and authenticity—after all, that is something you can research and perform. It’s disheartening to me to think that just the impending prospect of playing a gay role could suddenly “spook” a straight actor off a project.