CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 19, 2018

Guthrie vows to investigate harassment claims

Minnesota Public Radio News: The Guthrie Theater is launching an investigation after allegations of sexual harassment by a former employee.

The female carpenter resigned earlier this week after working on the Guthrie staff for three and a half years, a position she described as a "dream job."


Rosie Villano said...

What is so unfortunate about this article is that I find it sad, but also unsurprising. While recently a lot of focus has been on sexual harassment of actors and producers it’s also important to remember the tech side, which usually isn’t talked about. Reading this article, makes me really sad to hear that a woman reigned from her job because of the way she was treated at work. Personally, I find that absolutely unacceptable and revolting. It just serves to show how pervasive and serious the problem is, even though Hollywood receives a lot of attention because the figures are well known, sexual harassment occurs everywhere. Even though the circumstances are tragic, it’s important to address scene shop culture and I hope this article brings awareness to the problems that occur on the technical side of the theater industry. Often issue on technical side of theater are almost never talked about, and that needs to change because silence only serves the abuser.

Mary Emily Landers said...

Similar to what Rosie said, I find the importance of this article to be so profound because of it dealing with sexual harassment and workplace issues that don’t necessarily face the people in front of he camera but rather behind. Not to negate any of the current issues at hand that focuses primarily on the actors and producers but there is also a large problem with similar issues within the faces that you do not know and do not see daily. It is truly disgusting that this woman had to leave her “dream job” because of workplace harassment and that she was stopped from saying anything about it when she was working there. This is a common theme within many setups in male dominated environments and it is absolutely appalling, however there is something to be said in seeing the Guthrie’s response to the post, even if the apology is after the damage has been done. It will be interesting to see if the Guthrie manages to follow through with their words and turn them into actions.