CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 26, 2018

A major grant is big boost for the arts at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora

Chicago Sun-Times: Call it the triumph of the performing arts over the dicey rewards of a casino stage.

If ever proof were needed that the arts are a major economic engine, the wildly successful Broadway Series of the Paramount Theatre in Aurora (which was launched in 2011, and currently attracts 320,000 patrons annually to its shows), would be “Exhibit A.”

1 comment:

APJS said...

Ive said before but I have to mention how much I already love Chicago. So anything that happens there I get supper excited about. The constriction of a new theatre always gives me hope that I pick a profitable profession and career. I think the grant awarded truly proves that theatre will never die, only evolve with the times. I cant wait to reach my goal finally move to ChiTown and begin my journey to a theatre designer career I can be happy about. A new theatre means a new place where i could possible work and design my tony award winning show. I am also so glad that this upgrade to the Paramount theatre with also include the addition to a new school. I am a product of good theater in high school and cant imagine life with out that up bringing. Art schools are so important for some kids because it’s something that they are good and can do successfully. With out them children like me might fall down in to the rabbit whole of disparity. Save the Arts.