CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 05, 2018

Chez Stock: The Girl With The Audio Tattoo(s)

ProSoundWeb: I remember meeting Chez Stock for the first time. The first thing I noticed were the tattoos across her fingers spelling out “COMP” and “GATE.” I made a comment along the lines of “nice digital inserts” (I pun involuntarily) and, in spite of that, we had a nice conversation.

1 comment:

Rachel Kolb said...

The part of this article that resonated the most with me was about being a female working in the audio industry. It is always good to hear the discussion happening by woman taking about the challenges they face in this industry. We all know that the industry is still very male dominated, but it is changing (not fast enough). We know this fact, yet we never talk about it. So it is good to hear that someone is having a conversation. I think it is important to have in order to inform young woman and other woman in general who are in or entering the industry that they are not alone in their struggle facing misogyny and inequality in the workplace. This is a conversation that we need to be having more with designers, managers, and technicians. Her world of wisdom about knowing when to stand up for yourself could not ring more true. With the recent events in the industry regarding the issues of sexual harassment in the workplace and the #WhyWeWearBlack movement at the Golden Globes will continue to light the spark for woman ,throughout our industry and throughout our society as a collective, to stand up and hopefully make strides for change.