CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Addressing Environmental Topics in Theatre by Using Greenturgy

HowlRound: August 2017 saw Houston under water, Hurricane Irma headed toward Florida, and large swaths of the Pacific Northwest on fire. In response, the director of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt declared that now is not the time to talk about climate change.

In a way, he was right. The time to talk about climate change was decades ago. Now, the greenhouse effect has caused temperatures and sea levels to rise enough that coping with the seemingly endless succession of natural disasters made worse by climate change keeps us too busy to talk much about the underlying causes.

1 comment:

Alexander Friedland said...

I think this article takes an interesting approach to talking about how productions need to be about climate change and fails to mention that the theatre industry needs to become greener. This is a much more concrete problem that needs to be discussed. The app “greenturgy” seems helpful to earth advocates but its way of making everything an environmental issue is an issue. It’s just like when people try to make everything political. If all tasks were dissected to the level that “greenturgy” dissects text, then one could probably argue every show is about every issue in this world. I think it is helpful to look at how shows are related to climate change issues but I fear this app could be overused to over examine texts. However that being said, I think “greenturgy” could help users find more ways to be ecologically friendly as its founding questions are quick strong and should be asked by everyone. If there was a more general way to apply “greenturgy” then I think it would a much more effective application. The end of the article addresses this point but I think it gives “greenturgy” too much credit for making a theme standout that was put in and made to stand out by the playwright and performance.