CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

“Crocodile Fever” at barebones productions

The Pittsburgh Tatler: “Kitchen – clean.” That, Dear Readers, is the first note I jotted down after taking my seat at barebones’ production of Crocodile Fever on opening night. The kitchen on stage (scenic design by Tony Ferrieri) is really, really clean, clean to an extent that signals some kind of disorder – which, of course, is the point.

1 comment:

Abby Brunner said...

This sounds like a wild and intense show! I had heard about Phoebe getting a role in this show and was wondering what it was about. It’s so cool to see people we have gone to school with in the world using their skills and continuing to make art. This play sounds like one that has not only technical challenges but emotional and physical challenges for the actors and cast. Not only does it deal with heavy topics like domestic abuse but it also seems to have a lot of blood and gore towards the end of the show. I wonder how they are able to do this night after night and sustain the set, costumes and the mental integrity of the cast. This sounds like a play that is more like a horror movie. As the article states, this show is much like the show Carrie with the aspects of blood and gore that somehow make the audience gasp and laugh at the same time. This must be a wild ride of a show to sit and watch!