CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 17, 2022

2022 UX Design in Museums: How Are “Innovative” Exhibits Driving Attendance?

AMT Lab @ CMU: It is difficult to define user experience (UX) and experience design in a manner that effectively describes the discipline. Given that UX is so complex, especially in a changing post-covid world,the role of UX is often redefined within the museum setting. Designers in today’s world must discover new ways to evolve their UX alongside the external challenges that they encounter in the real world.


DMSunderland said...

Honestly I'm surprised that, with how far VR has come in the last decade, that there have been no concerted efforts to make an as true to life museum VR tool as possible. Google Arts and Culture already has a ton of very high resolution images of many famous works of art and it seems like exactly the kind of task that they would tackle.

Honestly, this might already exist and I am just being too quick to type this up. But eh, this is how it goes with me.

I'm glad that we are thinking about ways to merge tech and art in order to bridge the gap and raise arts accessibility. Sure, we should probably be asking ourselves why a global pandemic had to occur in order for accessibility to the arts to become a problem that we decide to tackle. But at least necessity lead to us developing methods that allow the arts to reach an even wider audience than it previously could.

Gemma said...

I will start this comment by pointing out that I didn’t know that the Arts Management and Technology Laboratory existed at CMU, and I think that that’s pretty cool. It’s fascinating how Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are beginning to play larger and larger roles at museums. Interactive exhibits are always popular (and fun) and I see why museums are beginning to integrate more technology into their work. The school took the CFA freshmen to the children’s museum during orientation and that was a blast because the exhibits were so interactive and it was fun to interact with the exhibits. As another commenter mentioned, I appreciate how this move will make museums and the media and items they hold more accessible to all as the internet inherently is more accessible than museums that can often be pretty expensive to visit. It seems like there’s a long way to go in terms of museums moving in the direction of AR/VR exhibits, but it’ll be interesting to see where this technology ends up being applied.