CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Museum of Broadway Is Open. Here Are 10 Highlights.

The New York Times: When a Broadway show closes, the next stop for the hundreds of costumes, setpieces and props is often … the dumpster. “The producers often stop paying rent in a storage unit somewhere, which is heartbreaking,” said Julie Boardman, one of the founders of the Museum of Broadway, which opened in Times Square this month.


Owen Sahnow said...

This is super cool and I’m hoping to see it some time in the coming year! There was a really cool exhibit that reminds me of that was open near Broadway during the pandemic that showed some of the behind the scenes of costuming in the industry. That exhibit was complete with costume artisans working that you could chat with. It’s important to show people how much work goes into one of these shows because the muggles have no idea. I’m excited to see some of the model boxes and hopefully learn a little bit about the story of broadway - which I personally don’t really know. It sounds like a pretty large space so hopefully they’re able to cram a lot of information into the museum. Artifacts are cool and easy, but the scenic elements I’d be more likely to be interested in aren't going to fit in a museum.

Sukie Wang said...

This is really interesting and I truly hope that I will get the chance to see it someday. Broadway shows has always been an important part of the theatrical industry, from its impact to the work that it produces, it influences and changes various things within the industry. This remined me of the American Horror Story gallery that I luckily got the chance to go to while I was in New York. Both are documentations of work that have been long standing and impactful throughout and both shows a different perspective of the show where you are not an audience who is pretty far away or on the other side of the scree anymore but someone who is actually participating and able to see the detail and how light reflect off and on different angles of the work. This extremely is mind blowing and helps to understand different parts of the story better.