CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 28, 2022

Holiday Gifts For Theater Lovers 2022

New York Theater: The return of in-person theater is accompanied by new opportunities for theater-adjacent gift-giving. How about subsidizing a visit to the new Museum of Broadway? (my review: 10 things I learned, 11 rooms I liked.) You can browse the reopened Drama Book Shop, new co-owner Lin-Manuel Miranda (my visit) — or check out the store’s online shopping page.


Unknown said...

As someone who grew up in a theater family both my family members and I are always looking for good gifts for my family members and things to ask for. Theater tickets are always great gifts for those who are in the arts whether for a community show, regional show or broadway. I also love scrolling through playbills both for gift ideas for others and for birthday wishlists. I think show, shirt, key chains and other trinkets make great gifts so others can show their love of theater out in public. Something this article did not mention but that is more for theater makers is stuff and training such as steamers, dance shoes and voice lessons. The price of entry into theater is often higher than expected so anything you can give an actor or technician can help. My stage manager self always loves a good pen, notebook and Post It notes.


Cyril Neff said...

A fairly light-hearted article, this specific piece is a good general guide to basic gift-giving for theatre lovers over the holidays. Though obvious, the top suggestion of the article is to supply money or gift cards for buying tickets to see live performances, with consideration to COVID-19 protocols. Obviously, people who like theatre and performance art would want to go see said art, so it comes as no surprise that getting tickets would be a top suggestion. The article also mentions getting season passes at local theatre companies, which is also a really neat idea, and simultaneously supports local theatrical artists in the process of giving a gift the recipient will enjoy. It also goes a bit into detail about buying theatre books and scripts for your recipient to enjoy, some of which talk about a range of topics including writing a play, how to design for the stage, how different famous people came to be who they are today, etc.

Akshatha S said...

Honestly this is a pretty surface level gift guide. I think it is pretty obvious to gift scripts and albums to theatre lovers. I also think it is pretty obvious to gift tickets and memberships. Of course this is a pretty light hearted article that is just trying to help people out. I think gift ideas that are a little more unique as well as a little more helpful for people that might not have as much theatre knowledge would be a lot more helpful. I think little knick knacks as well as unique gifts like engraved things or posters or something would suit better. I also think buying albums is a little outdated in this day and age since so many people use spotify so unless the album is on vinyl it is kind of useless. I always think gift cards or just cold hard cash is the best gift if you don't know explicitly what the person wants.