CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

City Theatre Celebrate Christmas Season With 'Pride and Prejudice' Sequel City Theatre is taking a seat at Pittsburgh’s traditional holiday table, adding a dash of Jane Austen-inspired romance to a menu where Dickensian fare and Christmas-themed comedic offerings are ever bountiful.


Leumas said...

I found the amount of connection between CMU and this local theater described in this article really impressive. I knew that as a university we had really strong connections to quantum theater, but I did not know how strong our connections to city theater were. There are multiple people that I know, either directly or indirectly who will be involved with this production.
Another great example of this strong connection is the fact that I got invited to work on the focus call for this show. I got an email from Thomas this week that the City Theater was looking for an overhire on Friday, and now I am in the process of getting hired to do that. This is a great example of how connected the theater industry is, and how much getting work relies on knowing people. I am again impressed with how well CMU is providing an opportunity to make these connections.

Allie Blaylock said...

I am personally very excited to see this show. I am lucky enough to have a (distant) cousin that designs the programs, so we will be going together to see the show. I am also excited about the amount of CMU folks involved. I always enjoy live theater, but knowing the people involved with a show makes it more of a special experience, especially when you’ve worked with those people before. It’s always exciting to see people you grew to know in a specific role play a new character. I also am a lover of Lauren Gunderson. During the summer of 2020, the theatrical organization I worked with was able to put on Zoom shows, and the first one we did was Gunderson’s “Natural Shocks,” which translated incredibly well to Zoom. I fell in love with her writing, so I’m looking forward to seeing another of her plays, and actually live.

John E said...

I am Obsessed with this production! I love Pride and Prejudice and it holds a very special place in my heart. And hearing about this new version sounds so fun and like it is going to be amazing! I was the assistant director of Pride and Prejudice my senior year at my youth theatre and my time with the script was nothing but lovely. It was an original adaptation by the director and we had a very… interesting framing concept to say the least. We incorporated 80’s style clothing into some of the characters as well as some 80’s songs into some of the ball dances. I love this idea that there is an entire Pride and Prejudice canon, like mentioned in the article. I think it brings so much life to these charecters and allows the audience to enter and interact with this beautiful world more. Overall, I hope to be able to see this production because it sounds like it is going to be great!