CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 27, 2023

‘I was in a state of rage’: playwright V, formerly Eve Ensler, on her long fight against violence

Domestic violence | The Guardian: The new book by V – the playwright formerly known as Eve Ensler – is called Reckoning. She says the word slowly, as if it’s falling downstairs, or perhaps, was pushed. During Covid, “I started to really think about what it means to reckon with things. To really face them.” Before the pandemic she’d never had the time – reckoning, she realised, requires a certain stillness.

1 comment:

Ella McCullough said...

I LOVED this and I was sad to see that it is difficult to get this book to the US, I would love to read it! There are so many reasons I loved this, and I think at this point most people know that I love some deep soul searching and I love to study how we as humans process emotions. I can only imagine how difficult this book would be to read but I think that is what tells you it is important. The first thing that caught my attention was the discussion about the need for stillness to reckon with emotions or trauma. That is something I often forget about. Especially in a world like ours. We are always working and moving, pushing for more and more. But what does that do to our nervous systems? I am one of those people that will make myself as busy as possible when dealing with heavy emotions or life events. It is not good, of course there is balance to everything but when we are forced to be still we are also forced to process and in turn the weight of the matter is lifted. Another thing I really enjoyed was that she states the book is a collection of journals, and other material over the last 45 years. This book has got to be the most authentic, vulnerable piece of art that I think we could all learn a lot from!