CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

'Squid Game: The Challenge' Contestants Intend To Take Legal Action Against Netflix

The Mary Sue: Despite much protest, Netflix charged ahead with its Squid Game-inspired reality competition show Squid Game: The Challenge. Unsurprisingly, it went so wrong that the streamer may soon have a lawsuit on its hands.


Allie Blaylock said...

When I initially saw the trailer for Netflix’s “Squid Game: The Challenge,” I assumed it was a sequel of some kind. When I learned it was a real game show I became concerned. Who of the people that watched the original “Squid Games” would actually compete in a show like that? I know that Netflix wouldn’t allow actual death for those who didn’t win but I’m sure the games would be physically and mentally taxing in a not-so-healthy way. I agree with the article that Netflix “missed the point of the show entirely and was contributing to the problems ‘Squid Game’ highlighted.” This situation makes me wonder about the unions available to reality game/show participants. The skeptical part of me has doubts about the validity of these claims (and I have to say that the law firm “Express Solicitors” doesn’t invoke a sense of morality around the firm). It will be interesting to see the developments (if any) of this case.

Reigh Wilson said...

I had not heard about the reality tv-show reason of a “real life” Squid Games that Netflix was doing until this controversy was becoming public. I had heard about it on TikTok when a contestant who was on the show was discussing all of the terrible things that happened regarding the production. For example, when playing the Red Light Green Light game, on screen it was maybe in twenty minutes, but the contestants were there for hours without being able to move in extremely uncontrolled temperature environments. I completely understand why some of the contestants are suing the show. It also just feels so icky since the main point of Squid Game was criticizing reality shows like this and the exploitation of poor people who need to go on platforms like this since it would be their only way to win money that could put them back in a good place in life. So the fact that Netflix took that as a way to make more money and capitalize off of the show's success feels really terrible.

Harshitha Bharghava said...

I think this was probably one of Netflix’s stupidest shows that they've put out, they've put out a LOT of crap over the years.The original Squid Game took the internet by storm in 2021-2022 and it was a global sensation. It was a fantastic show with actors who deserved every award and high praise they got for the performance they gave on screen. Now the issue stems from, the fact that every single youtuber has posted “Squid Game IRL” challenges with random people or, collabs with other youtubers. 1. I would say this is nothing new, and Netflix needs to
come up with better ideas, and 2. if Netflix wants to make a reality TV show that is gonna attract audiences, they shouldn't put people in real, injury resultant situations to gain views online. The injury claims include hypothermia, nerve damage, and more which is absolutely baffling to me.