CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Doc Producers Call for Generative AI Transparency in Documentary

The Hollywood Reporter: During the SAG and WGA contract negotiations, conversation swirled around Hollywood’s use of artificial intelligence as the industry wrestled with what the new tech could mean for the future of entertainment. Now, a group of documentary producers are hoping to bring attention to the use of generative AI in nonfiction filmmaking, specifically as it pertains to archival work.

1 comment:

Allie Blaylock said...

This article is particularly interesting to me because I remember seeing the use of AI in a documentary, but it was actually for a good reason. The documentary “Welcome to Chechnya'' followed members of the LGBTQIA+ community trying to escape a country that wanted to kill them. AI was used to protect the identity of those being filmed by creating a fake face over their actual face, and voices were changed as well. In that way, AI was a useful tool to protect someone’s safety while they shared their very personal story. However, AI could easily be used to spread disinformation through a typically informational source. Documentaries are meant to document actual events, and AI could create more doubt in whether the events being portrayed are actual or edited. I think standard in the industry to regulate the use of AI would be beneficial. I will be interested to see if these regulations come in time to stop any potential harm that may be done.