CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 21, 2023

'Crown to Couture': New exhibition puts event dressing through the ages on display

Euronews: London’s Kensington Palace’s State Apartments were historically the hub of royal court occasions and lavish parties and have seen numerous style icons pass through in the years since. The Apartments are now playing host to a huge display of red carpet couture alongside historic treasures in new fashion exhibition "Crown to Couture".


Jackson Underwood said...

Just from the few pictures I have seen of this exhibit, I am in awe of the beauty and elegance these garments exude. I love the idea of exploring the rituals of dressing to attend a Georgian court event hundreds of years ago and comparing them to how we dress ourselves for fancy events today. Some of my favorite modern red carpet pieces are featured in this exhibit, one of them being the ensemble Beyoncé wore for her performance at the 59th annual Grammy Awards in 2017. The garment was designed by Peter Dundas and boasts such ornate details, making it feel regal and goddess-like. Of course I have to mention the Moschino chandelier dress Katy Perry wore at the 2019 met gala. The older garments in the exhibit are just as, if not more, magnificent in size, color, and detailing. As much as we may have changed over time, making a statement with fashion is something that will always be timeless.

Selina Wang said...

The "Crown to Couture" exhibition sounds like a fascinating exploration of event dressing throughout history. It's intriguing to consider how fashion has evolved in response to cultural and social changes over time, and how the clothing we wear reflects our values and aspirations. There are a lot more similarities between period fashion pieces and modern red carpet looks than I’ve realised. This article draws out several pieces and did a little “then vs. now”, which was really cool. It's especially exciting that the exhibition features a diverse range of items, including everything from historic royal gowns to contemporary designs. This breadth of material allows visitors to see how fashion has both changed and stayed the same over time, and to appreciate the creativity and craftsmanship that goes into designing and producing these intricate pieces. On a side note, I think having the exhibition in an old palace with traditional European interior design is so cool.

Sukie Wang said...

These garments are truly gorgeous and historical. I love seeing these pieces presented on the mannequins and shows picture of actual people wearing them. Personally, I think it gives these costumes a different meaning and different type of expression even when it is the same piece of garment. When someone is wearing a piece of costume, I would usually pay more attention to the wrinkles that are showing on the cloth due to the movement of the wearer and what they are doing. I often feel that when someone is actually wearing a piece, it gives the garment soul and make it as a whole. However, sometimes I would also feel the same way when a piece of clothing is on the mannequin. When they are mannequins, I would often pay more attention in the spaces that the garment is creating and if there is any structure standing out to me.

Ava Notarangelo said...

Looking at how style in fashion has changed Through the Ages as always is something that's been super fascinating to me. ever since I was little I've been a fan of dressing up and going big and bold with my style and appearance, which is something that hasn't changed to this day. since I was in ballet when I was younger I got used to wearing heavy stage makeup pretty easily, and my mom was also pretty open to me dressing very maturely and experimenting with makeup to figure out what I like as well as just feel Bold and Beautiful in my skin. she was always a big fan of but go big or go home, and that's somewhat played out to be true in the way that I see the way that I dress up. I always think it's super fun to be able to go all out for an event or even just a night out with friends, and I'm glad that I was able to get very good at trying to figure out how I'd like to appear when I go to events or a special things outside of everyday life.

CrimsonCreek said...

All these dresses are modern history. When people see our couture dresses from today in the future I hope this age is remembered as creative. As innovative and fun and thoughtful. I’m not sure it will be but I would like to think so. I also think that the thought to combine these two types of formal wear into one exhibition is quite quite quite interesting and intriguing. Specifically stated in the article “The exhibition, which features over 200 individual pieces, from ball gowns to court suits to handbags and jewellery, aims to explore the similarities between the rituals and customs of dressing to attend a Georgian court event and the modern day practice of preparing for a red carpet appearance.” It shows that now that court events are not much of a thing we are placing red carpet galas as such an equivalent. It is truly a statement of the time we live in.