CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 24, 2023

Gregory Doran: ‘Shakespeare defines things when you can’t’

Gregory Doran | The Guardian: If Gregory Doran – Greg to his friends – were a character from Shakespeare, he would be best cast as Kent from King Lear because he has the steadiness, kindness and faithfulness of a self-appointed servant. But instead of being loyal to a madman in a storm, it is to Shakespeare that Doran has devoted 35 years, in Stratford-upon-Avon and, for the past decade, as the Royal Shakespeare Company’s artistic director.

1 comment:

Jessica Williams said...

I grew up watching Shakespeare, Midsummer’s Night Dream and Much Ado About Nothing specifically. So I have a very deep and enduring love for Shakespeare. Now, I don’t believe that every show of his is good, As You Like It being one of the longest drags I have ever had to read din my life. But I do believe that there is a very good reason that shakespeare has persisted in the dramatic canon for so long. Yes, sometimes some of the shows are overplayed and used as a crutch by theater’s and producers who do not want to take a risk on a more modern written play. Shakespeare, yes was a definite product of his time and thusly was heavily influenced by aspects of Elizabethan English society that was not eternal but the essence of many of his plays were able to capture certain truths about human nature and the human condition that can be easily translated into the modern day.