CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 28, 2023

International Cultural Exchange – The Benefits and Challenges

WIT journal: Does one even have to make an argument for the rewards of working internationally? The merits are easily grasped. It broadens horizons, changes perspective, helps you leave your comfort zone and stretch yourself. It introduces you to new people, builds friendships and creative interactions that may last for years, and, besides, traveling is really fun.

1 comment:

Selina Wang said...

Before clicking on the link, I thought the article would be talking about the cultural conflicts and language barriers of international collaboration, but to my surprise, it takes an interesting turn and talks about travelling and how to connect artists. The comment about carbon footprints in international travels is valid, yet often overlooked when discussing a multicultural creative process. As the author suggests, we now have many platforms and tools to help us meet and work virtually, and taking a hybrid method would be a more eco-friendly approach. However, there are also barriers that are now present which weren’t there pre-pandemic, such as military conflicts and travel restrictions. I think apart from these ‘visible’ barriers, these can sometimes twist how people see each other and a lot of biases start to surface. Working internationally is hard – even working with people from the same culture is hard sometimes – but i still feel like it is a valuable experience.