CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 27, 2023

‘Maisel’ costumes enhance storytelling with boldness, color

New Delhi Times - India Only International Newspaper: In the cavernous Brooklyn warehouse where “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” was filmed there are towers of pillbox hats, double-stacked racks of dresses and coats in rainbow order, and vision boards teeming with fabric swatches.


Kendall Swartz said...

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is my favorite show and I am completely obsessed with it. The Costume Designer Donna Zakowska is my favorite and I look up to her so much as a designer. I have been watching this show for the past five years and love the color palettes she has created around the characters. The one part that I really loved about this article was how they talked about the use of 200 different shades of pink. I didn't know the method that she used of fabric dying to get this to come across. I do love that when they mainly use the color pink in the first season it is for when Midge goes downtown since it is her favorite. The original two toned pink coat is one of my favorite pieces from this show. Donna Zakowska is such a detailed designer and I can't wait to see the next thing she works on.

Jackson Underwood said...

When designing costumes, how it will affect the actor is a huge factor that has to be considered. Not being able to see in your costume can be a hindrance to the actor and those on set. However, if that’s what needs to be done to achieve the desired effect, then so be it. From there, the costumers need to have a conversation with the director and the actor to decide what precautions need to be taken on set. I love how Pascal says he feels truly transformed into the character when he puts on the suit, despite how heavy it is and how hard it is to see. That is really the beauty of costuming. The feeling of putting on your costume at the first dress rehearsal really brings the show together. I think it’s amazing to see actors transform before your eyes once they are in costume and can really feel the full fantasy of their character.