CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 03, 2022

XDC1 IP Hybrid provides Snow Patrol with dynamic, colour-changing band riser Ask Davy Sherwin, Snow Patrol’s lighting designer for the past two decades, what three attributes a fixture needs to exhibit in order to earn a place in his tool kit, and he will probably reply: “Colour, colour… and colour!”

1 comment:

James Gallo said...

I comment on just about every one of these gear posts on this blog, but I find new gear so exciting to know about and be aware of. GLP has some truly amazing fixtures and is so widely respected in the industry. I have seen at least one GLP product in just about every gear list for every show that I’ve looked at on Live Design or on any online journal like this one. Sherwin being able to choose the XDC1 based on GLP’s reputation alone should tell you a lot about the company right off the bat. I have not seen this product up close, so I am hoping to check it out at LDI, but the JDC1 is hugely popular, even in lower budget shows. I am excited to see what this fixture can do and think that the hybrid effect of it is super interesting. People typically use these fixtures in a huge line and I think that being able to do long linear washes in addition to powerful strobe is super useful and will prove to be a great effect.