CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Current Plans: Hong Kong’s Collaborative Art Space

The Theatre Times: It was well past midnight on October 2, 2021. Current Plans—at the time known as Present Projects—had just opened its fifth group show, Fault Lines, and Hong Kong’s creatives lingered to philosophize over drinks. No one had the mind to leave. Instead, they decided to build a dolmen out of the yoga blocks that lined the gallery floor – a quirky, spontaneous effort that would pass as a creative endeavor to untrained eyes.

1 comment:

Cyril Neff said...

As someone who is a big fan of experimental theatre and artistic installations, it's really great to hear about successful installations in other countries. Something really interesting mentioned in this article is just how hard it is to get an experimental space within Hong Kong, especially one that would be able to change and adapt overtime. It was especially interesting to hear about just how welcoming the artistic community in Hong Kong is to outside artists coming in and having a hand in the creative process of their pieces, and just how important having an installation like this is to the creative community there. The piece was so well received that they were able to continue to receive the funding required to continue the installation, and that is always wonderful to hear.