CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 04, 2019

Supersaturated vs. Off Broadway Paint – A Comparison

Rosco Spectrum: Throughout our painting adventures, many of us have used Rosco paint products on one project or another. Maybe, while choosing which paint products to use, questions about the differences in Rosco products have become a head scratcher. There are several options for artist paints within the Rosco line, two of the most popular are Rosco Off Broadway, and Rosco Supersaturated paints.

1 comment:

Emily Stark said...

I love using Rosco paints for scenic painting. There’s something incredibly satisfying when you open a fresh can of paint and seeing the bright and highly saturated color staring back at you. However, most of my experience in using Rosco paints has been for very short term projects. I’ve never really had to think of the time frame that you have to consider when choosing paints for longevity. I also didn’t realize that Off Broadway and Super Saturated have different pigment ratios. This probably makes a huge difference in how far you can stretch a can of paint. One thing I dislike about this post is that it only talks about Rosco. This post almost seems sponsored because it mentions several Rosco products including a primer, projection screen, and dance floor. I am curious what other paints are out there that are comparable to Rosco Off Broadway and Super Saturated.