CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

All the Ways You Can Get Your Student Loans Forgiven With the average student loan balance hitting $29,800 for the Class of 2018, you’re probably looking for any help you can get paying off your debt. And if you meet certain requirements, it’s possible to have a portion of your balance forgiven.


Kaylie C. said...

Something to note about this article: this mostly applies to FEDERAL aid. My dad has been a public school teacher for over a decade, yet only around $5k of his $30k of debt can be forgiven because he is a social studies teacher instead of a math or science teacher which is outrageous. I do not care how important STEM is, teachers are not paid enough to pay off their loans so they should be forgiven. Period. It is also still really common among grad students to take out private loans that can't be forgiven because very few colleges give any amount of aid for it. I personally think this is also deeply wrong. There is no reason any adult who is no longer supported by their parents and is going to school full time should have to pay full price. It is elitist and will not give the world better engineers for example. It will only give them engineers who are wealthy and grew up privileged. It will homogenize the field.

Lauren Sousa said...

This is something that is a constant discussion among I do not think you can go ten minutes in Purnell without someone making a joke or gripe about student loans. However I think there is a lack of understanding when it comes to paying them back, most people just sign up and expect that they’ll spend most if not the rest of their life repaying them. I mean you sort of have to be okay with that if you are taking out a major loan for your education and this is just one of the ways that higher education is not available to other ones. Lets be real even this article that was trying to be clear and upfront about loans was still confusing, so many abbreviations and similar compilations of letters that half-way through you want to just bail-out and comment on the old theatre teacher article instead, but trying to understand loans better and effectively knowing what options await you for repayment is important in being able to manage your loans after graduation.